Submission Instructions
Learn how to submit your manuscript to this journal. This page provides detailed guidelines on manuscript formatting, citation style, and the peer review process.

Author Guidelines
This page provides comprehensive guidelines for authors to prepare and submit their manuscripts to the journal. Adhere to these guidelines to ensure a smooth and efficient review process and increase your chances of publication. Here, you'll find information on manuscript formatting, citation style, and the peer-review process. We encourage you to carefully review these guidelines before submitting your work.
Article Processing Charge
The PAFTE Journal of Education may impose an Article Processing Charge (APC) to ensure the sustainability of the journal and to cover the costs associated with the rigorous peer-review process, publication, and online hosting. The APC is a fee that authors may be required to pay to cover the costs of publishing their article.
For any inquiries or further assistance, please contact the editorial office using the form below.